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Welcome Baby Camille : Prosser Newborn Photography

Sweet baby Camille you are just as pretty as your name. What a joy it was photographing this beautiful new family. I was also super excited to find out that Camille’s parents, Amy and Jon, are former Midwesterners like myself. They’re from Iowa and Kansas respectively while I’m from Nebraska. We got to compare bad weather stories from back home and lament about how dusty it is here in eastern Washington. But unlike this flatlander, they actually know how to ski. I’m so jealous!

Enjoy the photos! I think my favorite is the first one…no wait, maybe the last one; those bee stung lips are to die for! Oh I just can’t decide. I like them all!

baby Camille Tri-Cities newborn photography

Prosser newborn photographer

Tri-Cities newborn photography cute baby toes

Mother and Child Prosser family photography

Kennewick newborn photography

robin cornett - January 26, 2010 - 4:55 am

What a PRETTY baby! I love the one of mom and baby in front of the window–such a lovely peaceful image.

Annie Warren - January 28, 2010 - 7:34 am

Oh she is SO precious and tiny! Beautiful work Sandy…. so soft and delicate, and the light is lovely.

Colleen Donovan - February 11, 2010 - 10:52 pm

I have to stop looking at your baby posts. They make me want another one…

Sandy Summers Russell - February 11, 2010 - 11:44 pm

Hey as cute as you look after having your last I’d say go for it! Love your new haircut I saw on your FB profile 🙂