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The “H” Family : Moses Lake Family Photographer

I love how quiet it can be in the early morning along the shoreline of Moses Lake. The water was as smooth as glass when I photographed the lovely “H” family. They made such a charming trio, don’t you think? I absolutely fell in love with their adorable son. He’s at such a fun age where he’s old enough to hold his head up and smile, but still all chubby cuteness and snugly. Talk about giving me serious baby fever.

family on dock by lake during Moses Lake family portrait session by Summerland Photography

family in front of Moses Lake during a family portrait session by Summerland Photography

Moses Lake during a family portrait session by Summerland Photography

picture of a Moses Lake couple during a family portrait session by Summerland Photography

Moses Lake father and baby during a family portrait session by Summerland Photography

Moses Lake mother and baby during a family portrait session by Summerland Photography